The second of Cheyenne's motorcycle projects and given to her as a pile of parts off 'Uncle Dan' in three boxes during lockdown in the winter of 2020. This was out of her style range, but it was there so why not do something custom? To this end she set about with her ideas and, bouncing them off Dad, and with his engineering assistance, knowledge and brute force along the way, she created another showpiece motorcycle in time for her at 19th birthady in 2021.
Very different to the orginal bike but liking the factory production finish acheived to keep people wondering what it started life as, and complimented on by Nik the Editor at Back Street Heroes when he came to produce a feature for the magazine.
More learning from engine compression testing, clutch reconditioning and fork re-builds was taught by Dad again and both were pretty proud of the final result. It even won first in class at Kickback National Championships 2021!
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